
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wow...GREAT color wheel!

Someone on Facebook posted the link to this Color Wheel.
Now, I've not had time to really look at it and study it, but I have bookmarked it and plan on studying and using it in the future. It looks interactive and amazing to me!

Nursery updates:

Wheweee...I rooted on little Nicky Jack for 6 hours yesterday, plus 3 hours the day before. I have both of the sides of his tiny head rooted, however, I will need to do the facial hairs in front of the sides at the very end. I've watched the Precious Little Baby Dust Rooting DVD about 5 times...three times while I've been rooting. I don't have the holding of the hair technique down yet...I just could not get it, but I will eventually. However, this DVD had helped me a lot in mapping out my hair, directional rooting, how to do the baby fine facial hairs plus some other great tips on rooting. I am so glad that I bought it.

Tomorrow is Friday! I'll share someone from my collection with you and then I am taking Saturday and Sunday off. I will be doing some yearly cleaning of the house, carpet cleaning and setting up our tree for Christmas. I hope to get all the babies changed as well.

Have a wonderful Thursday!

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