
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mohair madness day!

Did I mention how excited I am about working up some of the new kid mohair today while Gallery Sitting? I am!

Speaking of kid mohair, Cassie Peek of Baby Dust Nursery used some of my kid mohair on her prototype of Nicky Jack. She got his auction up and running and WOW does his hair look great! I'll get mine up in the next two days. His outfit is NOT going to get here in a timely manner, if even at all. I am really sad about that. Wish me luck in creativity with his other outfits and photos now that I have to switch gears.

Nicky Jack was born late last night, December 12th at 12:43am, weighing in at 4 pounds even and measuring 15 1/2 inches. I'm so anxious to present him to the eBay world!

Guess who else I finished rooting last night??? ROBYN! I've got to do a final check on her gloss and let her glues air out a bit before she gets assembled, but her mommy is coming to pick her up on Thursday. She's waited a long time for this special one!

So with that, I bid you an excellent day.


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