
Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Trot and Black Friday hide out

Does it look cold out there??? Well it WAS!

Here I am shortly after I came across the finish was 15 degrees F when I crossed that line, but I was good and warmed up by then. I had just completed a 5K walk called the Turkey Trot, in Baker City Oregon. I think I placed 3rd, but they did not have official placings for the walkers. I was cruising along for 3/4 of the race in first place when a couple came up behind and whizzed by me! They had said "it was hard work but they were determined to pass up the "Jingle Lady!" (I was wearing bells on my shoes and coat) I could not catch up to them after that. The bells were a bit of a detriment as they could hear me gaining on them and picked up their pace. It was great fun and we had hugs to share after we crossed the finish line. They made me work REALLY hard there at the end trying to pass them!

The picture below is my husband warming up, getting ready for his run...he was running the 5K. He sortof looks like he is strutting like a turkey, doesn't he?? Giggle, giggle, snort! LOL What a cutie!

We spent the rest of Thanksgiving day inside. I made a lovely, low fat dinner that started out with this beautiful salad:

And we are spending most of today inside too! Well, at least we are not going "out there" where all the crazy shoppers are! We will probably be hanging lights out on our house this afternoon.

OH my! It's Friday isn't it?!?!? I'm supposed to share my collection with you today! Hmmm...okay well I'll share on picture that I took a long time ago. I'll share it because we have some snow on the ground and it's cold outside. You've seen both of these babies before~Giovanni and Carrie Lynn. And maybe tomorrow I'll share another picture or two. I might be getting some babies changed for the festive season tonight :)

Happy Friday!!!


  1. Congrats on completing the 5K walk! That is super!!
    Glad you had a great did I!!

  2. Thanks SueAnn! I am getting hooked on these 5K events! :)
    Excellent that your Thanksgiving was great too!
