
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Orlando in January? YES!

For the 5th year in a row, I have the blessing of spending a week in Orlando January!

I'd like to say that the weather is just delightful there in January, but it's not proven to be so the last 2 yrs; it rained and stormed a lot! It is still warmer than Oregon in January though. :) The first year I went to Orlando, I left home in MINUS 20 degree weather and landed in Orlando in 76 degree, humid weather. I enjoyed many moments of naked toes by the pool that year!

Since I just bought my flight last night, I'm going to be optimistic about this year!

Anyone else want to go to Orlando in January for IDEX??

~IDEX information~

IDEX here I come!

I'll be back to work on Nicky Jack today. It's snowing now and I am very anxious to get painting! Such a sweet, sweet sculpt!


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