
Friday, October 29, 2010

You asked for it~before/during pics and 2010 Colliii Awards!

Alright ladies~you've pressured me enough to hang my head low in shame and show you BEFORE pictures! LOL Yes, I actually work in a tornado of upheaval on most days! (I know it's Friday and I'm supposed to share my personal collection but this is ABOUT my personal collection...does that count?)

So here is the nursery before I began my work last night. The crib without the railing is the crib that I used to take pictures in. It will now be used for my personal collection.

Crowded to the max! The edge of the chair you see at the left of the picture is the chair I sit in when I paint.

Mohair drying on a rack on the floor by the heater. This probably will not change in the future! LOL But this mess will!

So I began by taking most of the babies out of the nursery and placing them on the bed in the guest room. I started at the top of the room for deep down cleaning and when I moved the dark crib against the other wall I simply did NOT like the bare, white wall. I went to the garage in the middle of the night to find the leftover wallpaper from when I first did this room. Now I know that I did not have enough to cover the entire wall which is why I did not paper it way back when AND, the paper was discontinued and I could not order more~I tried~but I decided "you know's my room and my house and we have no plans of selling this house and if we do, chances are the new tenants will want to redo the decorating anyway, so, I took what paper I had and wallpapered that wall at 1 am! I am please with the results :) The paper ended just where the bench starts leaving that entire corner white. I may paint it someday. We will see how I like it when I get the babies put back in the room. So this is how it is looking so far:

I put the railing back on the cherry crib and arranged the cribs differently. I love it this way! I'll have easier access to my personal dolls.

The corner where the wallpaper ends:

I'll continue to work on the nursery today.

In the meantime~the 2010 Colliii awards are announced! Congratulations to all the winners for their beautiful babies!


  1. Wow, I'm so jealous of your nursery! My room has a huge bed in the middle...because it's really a guestroom. *grumpy*

    Nice job so far though! Isn't it fun? :)

  2. LOL...thanks Nina. I AM spoiled but I also have 20-something years on you. You'll get your room some day :)
