
Monday, October 11, 2010

Whom I met at EXPO and next prototypes

I don't know who I get more excited about seeing at the shows...the artists or the collectors! It certainly weighs about even. I talked with many collectors over the three days and most I do not have names of. But the artists I do!

This year at EXPO I met great artists like:
Jack Johnston. He is such a nice man and has inspired me many times in the past in my business, even though our arena's of business differ.

Nikki Britt. What a fantastic young lady!

Olivia Stone~such a dear woman.

Paulette Goodreau and family. These are such delightful people!! We really enjoyed visiting with them. Her mother is a DOLL!

Debbie Sampson of Love and Laughter. She is such a creative artist!

Julie Malloy~wow, she takes silicone to the next level!

Jorja Pigott of Pigott's Playpen. I just love this woman!

Those delightful porcelain artists in my class:
Joyce Matthews
Pat Green
Gwen Peard
Tillie Drake
Lana Dobbs
I will forever cherish the fun time we had!

There were many that I did not have time to meet but I saw from across the room. Helen Kish was one of them. Had I paid attention to when she was scheduled to be at her booth, I could have gotten away to meet her. Next time.

And of course it was just as delightful to spend time with those whom I know already from the past:
Laura Tuzio Ross
Angela Harris
Cathy Rowland
Pat Moulton
Carol Kneisley
Rita Rich Arnold
Julie Collins
Angela Anderson
Dianna Effner (although we did not get time to plan my visit to her studio)

And I am sure I am forgetting some people. This is pretty typical of me!

Upcoming prototype line-up:

Sydney by Jorja Pigott~in the nursery now and beginning work on today.
Nicky Jack by Nikki Britt

Another lovely thing about going to the shows is the fact that sculpting artists can see one's reborn work first hand. During EXPO, I was asked to do some upcoming prototypes:

This precious baby by Nikki Britt. I'm not sure if she has a name yet as she was a WIP at EXPO:

Katie Ann by Cathy Rowland. I don't think her pictures are out yet and I forgot to get pictures.

Lauren by Jorja Pigott~ohhh....I have shivers over this one! I love this baby so much!

A sweet sleeping baby by Angela Harris who is still a WIP so no pictures as of yet.

And I will be doing one of Dianna Effners "Huggy Bear" when they company finally gets the sculpt right. Dianna had one of them at EXPO and I must say...HE IS ADORABLE!

~Whew~ I feel like I might have my head on straight this morning! This should be an excellent day!

Oh, I have two babies on ebay right now:



And I took some pictures with my new camera yesterday. I'll post some tomorrow. The pics are of the new babies in my collection :)

Everyone have a fantastic day!

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