
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Easy" day in store here at TNGUN

After yesterday, almost any day would be easy!

My day started with the fact that I needed to ship Miss Kristaleta to Australia as her layaway is now completed. I had her all boxed up on Sunday night so this should be an easy venture, right??

Well as I contemplated going to the Post Office and since I love to kill many birds with one stone, I decided to check the prices to ship the EXPO class supplies. On line I realized that if I shipped the box "Parcel Post" I could save a lot of money. I don't know about you, but I sortof like money and having a little extra at EXPO would be wonderful. However, when shipping Parcel Post, one must ship a week in advance. So I thought, "well, I only have to revise my color guides for the class, print them and pack them in the box. Easy. Until the printer ran out of ink. This is not a good thing as I usually buy my ink in the "City" two hours away. In the meantime, I also knew that I had a pot of mohair that HAD to be washed, rinsed, conditioned and combed. It had to be done that day. HAD to. I did not want to risk ruining it.

Typically we cannot find the things that we MUST have in our little city but I got myself together and headed out to what stores we have with the ink number in hand. Lo and behold, I was able to get the correct cartridge at the FIRST store I went to. (Thank you Bi-Mart!)

Back to killing birds, since I was out and about, I did a few other various errands that helped me be more ready for my trip. It was my delight to come home and check those off the list so that was a very good thing.

But now, the mid morning was gone and the mohair still sat. After getting the color guides finished, printed and organized, I finished stuffing the box for shipping. I was able to add a few things that would have gone in my luggage so this will allow more room for the things I must still get to EXPO. I decided to wait to ship both boxes until today.

I finished the mohair at around 2 pm, ate some lunch and headed to the nursery to work on the final baby boy for EXPO. I HAD to work on him or I would not be able to get him finished in time. And I am really loving this adorable face! (the color in the photo is lousy...I know...I ALWAYS say that but until you have taken pictures of dolls in Baker City Oregon before, you simply have NO idea how difficult it is! LOL) This is Mika Donnelly (Phil Donnelly sculpt) now named Dalton. I will be able to get much done on him today, right after I go to the post office!

After a wonderful dinner of vegetable soup, sourdough roll, pear and walnut salad and an all-veggie custard pie, I sat down to work on the little Bi-Racial babys hair. She is looking very adorable. I'm using some hair from my trip to the mohair farm a few weeks ago. It's perfect AA/Bi-racial hair!

Oh~during the break between painting on Dalton and fixing dinner, I managed to put this little girl together~she is now ready for EXPO! (I'll do her photo shoot sometime before I go)

Please welcome Lil' Duckee!

So today is just this:

Post Office
Paint (Dalton)
Massage at 4~YES!
Prepare pepper and onion fajita's for dinner
Root little Bi-racial baby, now named Alaytheea. I will be able to finish her tonight before a late bed time.

Easy Peasy.

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