
Saturday, September 18, 2010

The 2010 Colliii awards voting is open NOW!

What an exciting time of the year!

Colliii is an online doll site featuring a forum, up to date doll news and Colliii TV. Colliii holds an international, worldwide contest each year called the Colliii awards.

The voting for 2010 began yesterday and runs only through September 30th. The reason I say "only" is because there are a LOT of entries and one needs a good bit of time to get through the voting of each category.

The categories are:

OOAK dolls
Reborn dolls
Play, collector and doll kits

I learned that when voting in a category, you MUST click on that category and then click "change category" otherwise the system will default to OOAK. You only have to click that when you change a category as once you change it and click "change category" it will stay there until you switch to a new category. What I mean is, when I first started voting, I only clicked on the category button and not the "change category" button. The system defaulted back to OOAK and had me totally confused! I admit, this is not always a hard thing to do....confuse me! LOL

So here is the link to One must register as a user (no charge) in order to vote.

~Vote for Colliiii 2010 Awards~

So if you have the time, please vote. I'd like to see the Colliii awards around for a very long time!


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