
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wow! I totally spaced blogging on Monday!

I'll blame it on Facebook! LOL
Seriously, I crawled into bed, early (11pm) last night and realized that I had not blogged for Monday! How funny is that? I suppose I was concentrating on getting mohair processed and getting babies ready to enter into our fair.

I took 8 babies to the fair to find out that I could only enter one of each TYPE of doll, ie: cloth, vinyl, porcelain etc. Well since all of mine were reborns I had the difficult task of choosing just one.

But then again I realized that I was also entering three of my little Sharon Robinson OOAK's into the Collection division and two of the reborns are ones I made for my own collection and since I could enter 5 items in the "collection" I entered them (Matthew and Jena) in with the little OOAK's. :)

I need to take some DO NOT TOUCH signs to the fair grounds today. I don't know about in your city but oh my goodness the folks around here have lost their manners! I volunteer at our little art gallery where a lot of local artworks are displayed/for sale. I am AMAZED at how people let their children RUN around in that gallery and touch EVERYTHING with filthy hands. I am more amazed at the behaviors of the adults...doing almost the same things. I's an ART GALLERY for heaven's sakes! What ever happened to acting certain ways in certain settings? I taught my children those things and it didn't kill them. Shoot, I am an artist and I don't DARE touch the artwork without asking and then being so so careful. Sheesh!

Am still working away on Fussy's hair. He has a forehead that goes on forever so I have to keep bringing his hair line down more~LOL. I will work on him much of the day today and into the night.

I am contemplating have a super special blog offer on Tuesdays. I've got kits that need to go and a house cleaner I need to pay once a week...I might call this sale "Pay the house cleaner" sale! LOL I'll give it some more thought. Have to be a bit more creative in these downed financial times. What??? "just give up the house cleaner" you say??? NEVER! LOL

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Doomed! Doomed I say! I KNEW as soon as I saw that you had joined Face Book that you life would be FOREVER altered & then top it off with NO MONDAY edition.... Oh the horror! I must say FB is nice for it's immediacy (when we are actually on line & haven't forgotten to log off ... sorry). Good to see you remembered us (finally) ;o>

  2. Well, I'll try but ... you know ...we missed YOU!!!
