
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Prototype Fawn~WIP

I am seriously loving this adorable sculpt/baby!

These two pics are her first pics during the WIP. Not too much done at this point but she was just so cute I had to take some pictures!

The pictures below are after many, MANY hours painting yesterday in hopes to get the painting done~but alas, I did not get it done. One more day of painting will have her coloring finished. That will have to wait until Sunday though. It's my weekend now and oh my do we have a million things to do. The next 2 weeks are going to be very wild around here.

The pictures are not great as the sun was in the wrong place in the sky but you can get a general idea.

She just makes me smile!

So what is up with Jalily anyway? Well, she is painted (including painted hair) and I've rooted a little bit of hair on her. I will take a WIP picture or two sometime this weekend. She will be done before I leave for the Portland show~that is my goal.

Have a super Thursday!

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