
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Next three+ prototypes

Due in this week to the nursery is Prototype "Fawn" by Cathy Rowland. I am very excited about this darling baby girl!

She is available for pre-order, has full legs and will be about 21"~a nice sized baby!

~Fawn Pre-Order Page~

Fawn will be my last prototype to complete before EXPO.

When I return home from EXPO on October 5th, I will have to begin work right away on Jorja Piggot's Sydney. Sydney will be ready before I leave for EXPO but we have put her on hold due to my trip.

Jorja does not have her up for pre-order just yet. I'll post the link when she becomes available.

After Sydney will be Nicky Jack by Nikki Britt. Oh....he is LOVELY! Such an amazing newborn!

~Pre-Order Nicky Jack~

And somewhere along the line I will be reborning Dianna Effner's first vinyl kit prototype, Huggy Bear:

He is a real cutie too. You can see a lot of "porcelain" qualities in him.

So that is the current line up. There are three paid customs yet on my list for 2010. I intend on having one of them done by the first part of November and the other two done by the end of the year. Then I have some kits I've purchased that I am so eager to do so I will be on a long custom order break :)

Hugs for Wednesday!
PS...I still have that Fay kit from yesterday's post~$50 shipped to the first person who emails me.

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