
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

His hair is coming off!

Hello wonderful dolly people!
Thank you so much to those of you who gave a gift for my husbands "hair shaving" event to help raise money for the American Cancer Society in conjunction with Oregon's Hood to Coast relay race.

Yesterday, the $500 donation level was reached! The hair is coming off! THANK YOU! During the process of this challenge, a friend asked if the mustache would be coming off as well. My sweet husband said that he would consider it for another $500 in donations so....the journey has begun! And the donations are coming in! With only $465 left to reach the $1000 mark, I think the mustache will be coming off too! If you would like to donate to the "cause", here is his personal link: personal page

We will be taking pictures of the hair shaving event on Wednesday night August 25th, the night before we leave for the Hood to Coast event. I will be sure to share :)

Again thank you for your support~Dolly Friends are amazing!

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