
Thursday, August 26, 2010

He had hair...and now he doesn't!

Now you see it....

Now you don't....

We took a LOT of great pictures of the process. You can see them on my Facebook page~what a great sport he is! He even wore a pink cover!

We are Hood to Coast bound today. Obviously I won't be blogging. Wish our team well as the other 999 teams. Oh yes, let's talk numbers. There are 1000 teams of 12 members each~12,000 runners. Each team has 2 vans and 2 drivers per van~that is 2000 vans and 4000 drivers. There are between 3000-5000 volunteers plus the Hood to Coast "staff" which must be almost as many. And then there are the cheer misters. How many of them we may never know. Cool beans. I am excited!
Have a GREAT weekend!

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