
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Things went MUCH better with Lillian~Color Journal

As you can see, her head is more green than her limbs~which is just where I stopped yesterday as I ran out of time. Today, I should be able to get both colors of vinyl to about the same color tone.

So here is what I have done so far:

For her head:

1 layer of very thin (water thin) violet/blue wash applied with a mop brush. Brush/spread it on wet and pounced dry with wedges. This takes a lot of wedges!

1 layer of Cyan (a new LDC color that I am loving! I've used it for veins and now this wash) mixed with a bit of light flesh (also a new LDC color). This mixture is thicker than the violet mixture (thicker than water) but I still applied it with a mop brush and pounced dry with wedges.

1 layer of mint green wash in the same thickness as the cyan wash. Applied with a sponge cloth and pounced with wedges.

1 layer of light mint green (added white to the mint green), thicker than the mint green wash and applied with a sponge cloth and pounced with wedges. I intentionally left a lot of visible texture in this layer. This will help to bring her to life later.


1 layer of blue-green wash, thicker than water and applied with a sponge cloth, pounced in with wedges.

1 layer light flesh wash, thicker than water applied with a sponge cloth and pounced in with wedges.

1 layer of light flesh wash, thinned down to almost water consistency and applied wet with a mop brush and pounced dry with wedges.

1 layer of the same light mint green wash as used above only thinned just a little. Applied with a sponge cloth and pounced in with wedges. I did not leave as much visible texture on this layer as on the head as I wanted to wait to see where I am once I do another layer on the head.

So the plan today to continue to neutralize is to add a pink-mauve color to her head and see where I am at on matching tone to the limbs. Then if I am happy, I will begin to build her tone using the same colors on the head as the limbs.

Oh and her name for now is JaLily :) It is a combination her "mommy" and I have been using in reference to her because she is the same sculpt I used to create my Jena and the sculpt name is Lillian. Such fun. I love my job :)

NEW prototype being sent this week! I am so excited! He is by Samantha Gregory and his name is Fussy. I've already shopped some for him but need to do a bit more.

~See Fussy here~

He is a little ahead of schedule so there will be a delay in JaLily and also the Aubrey custom order I am working on but I will keep on working on them until Fussy arrives.




  1. How do you purchase your E color guides for LDC paints? Thanks. Claudia.

  2. Hi Claudia,
    Here it the link to my ArtFire store where you can buy the guides. You don't need to be member, it has an easy checkout with paypal.

    Here is a direct link to just the guides:

    Let me know if you have any problems. I'll send your E-guide after I see your purchase.
