
Monday, July 19, 2010

Noah is not adopted after all

Life can sure be odd at times. Sweet little Noah's second chance bidder has decided to pass on both Noah and Capri whom she also wanted. I am sure it is because I would not go lower than the bid she put on eBay and also that I would not call her to talk about Capri and Noah.

I have a policy that I do not do phone transactions regarding reborns. I will happily talk with customers AFTER they have received a baby from me. I will happily talk with customers regarding upcoming classes or classes they have already attended. I will happily talk with customers regarding mohair purchases. I've had too many potential reborn customers try to bid me down, manipulate me and abuse me over the phone. I just won't do it.

Time is also a huge issue with me. Just ask my mom. Mom loves it when I call but she hates it too as she has to compete with running water in the sink as I wash mohair. She has to compete with the sound of a needle poking into a doll head as I root. She has to compete for my attention as I apply paint to just the right spot on a doll I am working on and, many times I have to tell her "Mom, I have to go. I have an email issue I need to attend to". Thank God she is my Mom as any other person would not tolerate my lack of 100% attention on the phone. Well my good friends do but they are almost as wonderful as Mom. :)

So there we have it. I've done the right things in regards to the Noah fiasco and I've lost out on a paycheck this month. Doing the right thing is never easy or fun. So be it. :) I shall carry on with my beautiful babies. Noah will not be relisted. He will be traveling to the fall shows with me and if he does not find a mommy there, I will be keeping him. Whooo-hoooo...a new beautiful baby to my collection!

Funny, I posted the Noah fiasco on some of the forums and guilds I belong too. Yet some have not blocked porkchopsandapplesauce2010, my bad bidder, and this beautiful baby was won by her last night:

~Indian Jayden Link~

And already there are problems with the bidder meeting payment deadlines. But don't worry. The artist knows me and she's asked for help. I am holding her hand as she proceeds through the process of elimination.

So ladies....if you are listing a brown skinned baby, block these ID's!


Heck...block both of them anyway, even if you aren't listing a brown skinned baby!



  1. Sorry things did not work out hun!!!

  2. Unbelievable! That woman who "won" the reborn Jayden is actually a moderator on a forum I've been a member of for almost 2 years. She backed out on Noah and then turned around and bid on that Jayden? How could she do that? Where is the integrity? I have recently stopped posting on that forum because of all the greedy people who keep buying expensive doll after doll and don't see anything wrong with owning over 50 dolls. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE reborn dolls, but I think it's irresponsible to have so much of something that is so expensive. There are so many other worthy causes out there.
    You don't have to post this comment, I understand it may not be appropriate but I just wanted you to know that I think it's horrible what that woman did and knowing she's a moderator on a LARGE doll forum is rather disturbing. Now she's bragging that she's getting her Jayden in a month. I feel bad for the woman selling Jayden, she will probably have to relist her doll.
    Good luck with your Noah, he's certainly worth what was bid on him. I guess if he doesn't sell, you'll just have to keep him. Poor you.... ;-)


  3. Janene I will post as I think it's interesting information. She never intended to pay for Noah and I just can't believe that she would for Jayden either. But it does not matter as the artist won't sell Jayden to her and is canceling the bid. She has offered her to one of her other bidders :) She can brag all that she wants.
    Oh I can't help but comment on owning over 50 dolls. I own over 50 dolls (from itty tiny 2" to 2 yr old size) but most were given as gifts, some I made and most were bought back when the economy was a lot better. As long as folks have paid their bills, have food, clothing, shelter and have given some back then I see nothing wrong with owning... whatever. Funny though, she sent me an email today just thrashing me that I should be giving my money to charity...uh...WHAT money?? She didn't pay nor did the second chance bidder! LOL
    Would I ever stiff someone on a doll? NEVER. EVER! You don't buy things you cannot afford, period. The last doll I bought was a $25 Ashton Drake Resin at a little doll shop in the city. That was in March. I bought what I could afford and she gives me GREAT joy :) Remember, this lady has not just done this to me. She has done it to others too. THAT is wrong. So yes, I might have to add Noah to my collection. Wow, that kind of thrills me! :)

  4. You are a very good person for even giving her the chance to redeem herself. I'm glad Jayden's artist pulled the plug on her. The people I take issue with that own over 50 dolls (let me clarify) are ones that complain on the forum about not having enough money to do other things. They have admitted to buying expensive dolls and making long layaways when they owe money on more important things. It's not the number of dolls I object to, rather the careless spending that frustrates me. These people aren't rich, they are struggling financially just like me. That's where I draw the line and call it what it is, an addiction. Some of them have multiple layaways and have to sell off dolls in their collection they really like in order to pay for new ones. When they write on the forums how much it saddens them to have to sell a doll, but then turn around and say it's to buy yet another doll that they will probably also sell....well, I just shake my head. Some of these women are getting a new doll twice or more a month, yet complaining about their finances in another thread. That's where I take issue.
    Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up...50 or more dolls is WONDERFUL IF you can afford to do so and you find ways of helping the community or some charity of your choice.
    Thanks for responding, I know you're a VERY busy woman. ;-) I value your opinion too.


  5. Thank you Janene~you seem to be an awesome lady!

    I can't see anywhere that I can remove your comment from my blog so I've posted your new comment in order to clear things up. Thank you for coming back to clarify. I hope you don't get too thrashed on your forum!

