
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Random thoughts~

Well wow. Today is the first day in a LONG time that I don't have to have each and every little detail of this day planned and scheduled out. In a way, it makes it hard for me to function! Part of that could be that I am dead tired. The weekend proved to be full of very intense labor with every moment of time needed to finish those twins. I should be tired...I am eternally pregnant! LOL

The first Noah prototype is on eBay now:

~Noah by Rachel Maynard~

I've been asked to hold off on mine until the other two are listed, one at a time. I have ordered a custom knit set for him from Australia~I can't wait!

Oh Oh oh!!! I have to share in my most recent excitement!!! It's about GLASS POTS!
Now doesn't that just crack you up??? Yes, it's true, I am easily excitable especially when things come in the mail! Yesterday I got sponges in the mail~sent by a reborner who I've been chatting with via email about sponges and pots and all kinds of stuff. Anyway, GLASS POTS! Back in the early 90's, Corning Ware came out with a line of amber glass pots called "Vision Wear" I had a full set back then but in 98, I married my DH and we bought a new set of cookware that I had been dreaming of so I either gave my glass pots away or sold them at a gigantic yard sale we had. I have regretted that move ever since I started dying mohair as you see, metals in pots can taint the acid dyes causing off colors in the hair. Now I did find an enamel coated pot that worked really well for me for a long time and I've been looking for the elusive glass pots for about a year or so. Here of late, that enamel coated pot has been causing more and more problems as the enamel is wearing off and the metal is exposed. I've looked in every thrift store and flea market for these glass pots and finally, last week a bunch of them were listed on ebay and I won 3 glass pots! 2 large 4.5 quart pots and one 2.5 quart pot~Whoooo-Hoooooo I am so excited!!! Seems the pots were discontinued due to some exploding on the stove. I am going to chalk that up with people putting a cold pot onto a hot burner or adding cold food to a hot pot, or cooking on high. I never cook on I will be fine and I do have good common sense. Duh.

Okay that's enough random thoughts for today. Tomorrow I'll share my show schedule.


1 comment:

  1. Best wishes on your listing!! And that is great news that you have found the glass pots. Hope they last forever!!
