
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's going to be a 4 1/2 day weekend!

And it starts this afternoon!

My husband gets off at noon today because he filled in for another worker last Saturday on HIS day off. Well....any of you married ladies know how difficult it can be to work on our art with a dear husband around.

Our 7 1/2 yr old grand daughter is here for two weeks :) So with this afternoon and the Man around, and our days off starting tomorrow through Saturday AND with the 4th of July holiday and a grand daughter here, I will be taking Sunday off too. Grandpa (DH) has to work on Sunday the 4th but we girls are going to enjoy all of the festivities starting with the God and Country Rally in the park featuring the Liberty Quartet~my favorite!

So...what is the status in the dolly world?
Well, Noah is finished! I will be taking his pictures this morning provided the light will work for me. Morning light usually is not good but I will take him outside and try that. If that does not work, Grandpa and Grand Child will have to go and play without me this afternoon and I will try then. (Send good luck wishes my way!)

Come Monday, I will begin work on custom orders as the next prototypes are still three to four weeks out. The 4 customs that are due are all prepped and ready to paint. Oh and I must get going on some mohair too! I've got those wonderful new pots to try out :)

I have been in such a lull the last couple of weeks. Usually I work in the evenings but I've just been too tired. We work until 6 pm, then either fix dinner (me...DH does not cook) or go out and work the horses. By time all of that is over, it's after 8 pm and all I want to do is veg by chatting with my girlfriends on line. I need to get with it to keep up with things and get ready for Expo. I've got an new line up of dolls for that show. I am ready for the Portland show in September so that is good :)

With that...I am off to work!

Hugs for Wednesday!
Happy 4th of July if I don't blog at you then!

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