
Saturday, May 22, 2010

We went to the city yesterday~Poor husband of mine!

Only it wasn't baby clothing that I made him wait for almost 2 hours while I shopped was clothing for me! :) These are outfits that I selected for the trip to Dubai....3 skirts, 7 tops and not shown are a pair of pj's and a swim suit cover up. All of that for a small little price tag of $135!!! I was SO excited!
Add this to some clothing that I already have that will be appropriate, and I am ready to pack!
The outfits are all different fabrics and colors than I normally buy for shows here in the states...but I'm not wearing these to a show in the states as I am Dubai bound! (yes, I am still waiting for the final artist list and contract but I am thinking and acting as if I am positively going)

Have a wonderful Saturday!!!

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