
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The start of Capri's hair

Not much to look at yet but I do love watching my own progress~LOL! Seriously though, taking pictures throughout the process does help me see what I need to tweek and add. In this picture, I see that I need to remove some "pokey-ups" as I call them, right where her hair begins to take off to the right side of her head, at the bang line.

~In other news~
I'll be the featured reborn artist in Discover Dolls Magazine next month! I am very excited!

~Discover Dolls Magazine website~

Things are going well with the mohair processing. I am finishing up this weeks "lot" this morning and will have it available on ArtFire tomorrow by noon. I am trying something different with the hair~not with the color but with the packaging. I've always left the light colored band at the cut end of the locks for several reasons~and really, I prefer to root with it this way, however, I can save myself some time if I just clip that off along with the band leaving just enough light color at the cut end so that there is no question to which is the cut end of the lock, which is very important to know for high quality rooted results. I won't be clipping this end off on shorter hair, under 6" long. We will see how it goes.

My husband left today for a few days out of town. First thing on the agenda during one of my "up late at night" nights is cleaning up the nursery! Oh my goodness it's a good thing I haven't had any visitors! Wowwwweeeee, it's a mess!

Hugs for Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Her hair is looking good. I use photos to judge my progress as well.
    My studio needs cleaning too..Yikes!
