
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Working on the vinyls....

Okay, here is the original picture of the bare vinyl from the other day:

And now a shot with a new color of vinyl added (Bountiful Baby Peach Aubrey kit), plus the Carter Kit (2nd from the L) and the Silja kit (far R) both have been neutralized a bit. Carter has a green wash and Silja has a violet/blue wash. The picture is not that good as the lighting is different in this shot but Silja looks browner than the other day. I will probably do another layer of the b/v wash on him.

Here you can see Silja's color a bit more brown. Both Aubrey and Carter have a custom flesh color washes. I am toning down the colors, taking them to a pale tone first. The LDC kit, Jacky has has nothing done to her except a Delta sealer applied really thin.

These are the two I will doing some work on today. I want to warm both of them up now and then I will be putting Carter away until later so that I can get the Aubrey sculpt finished for my little waiting mommy :)

In the meantime, Angelica is staring at me...wondering when SHE will get attention. She will have to wait but I did win an outfit for her on eBay yesterday :)

And also in the meantime, mohair processing is still going on in the evenings and early mornings.

Ta Ta~


  1. Great post!! Fun to see the effects of the different washes!! Thanks

  2. These posts comparing the vinyl colors are really helpful...thanks, Debbie!

