
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Payton Prototype WIP~

Even though I have barely begun her, Prototype Payton is just melting my heart! It's been a bittersweet thing to put Angelica aside...I am sad to not be finishing Angelica but so excited about Payton!

I've put a green wash on her to tone down her pink color a bit and to start to build visible texture. I chose not to put any matte varnish or all purpose sealer on her. (I did however use matte varnish to build textured brows and also glazing gel to give her nail beds texture).

Her lips are close to fully colored and her nails are colored and ready for tips~but that will come much later.

Isn't she just darling in her little Tutu outfit?? I can't wait to finish this one and take her pictures!

I was up late last night finishing Carter's hair. Oh wow...did I ever do a good job on his rooting! :) He has one of the best crowns I have ever done. I'll share as soon as I can.

Hugs for Tuesday~

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