
Sunday, January 17, 2010

And they are off!

I told you it was a mess! LOL

Oh my......this room may never recover! This is my nursery where I do my work and also keep my own collection. I had moved a lot of my collection to other parts of the house in order to prepare for having many extra babies in the nursery as I made them for IDEX. I know they (and I) will be happy when they are back in here.

This is how the nursery looked before I began the long and tedious process of packing up the IDEX babies for their trip to Orlando. Of course I had to vacuum first since the boxes would be placed on the floor.

Hmmmm....I need a larger box. I will have to wait until the next morning to got and get one. In the meantime, these babies will wait all bundled up in the photo crib. The photo crib is now missing it's bumper pad and dust ruffle as they will be used in the display crib in Orlando.

And the collection crib is now missing it's canopy as it too will be used in my display.
The boxes are starting to look ready...they will have to set one more night until I get another box.

TaDa!!! The babies all have butterflies in their tummies as I taped these boxes shut! The boxes were rolled and rolled and rolled in order for me to put the tape all the way around the box, several times in several places. They should be safe and sound now.

Off to the Post Office we went~

And Baby Jena is delighted to have some stretching out room in the crib! She had been stuffed in there with the IDEX babies for months and it just kept getting more crowded. Baby Jena WILL be going to IDEX but she will travel with me and she is not for sale. She is a portrait baby I made of my grand daughter and she is my forever baby.

Today will find me in the nursery finishing up my contest baby and working on (painting) the Wee Yawns prototype.

Have a wonderful day!

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