
Monday, November 30, 2009

Bad reborning Exposed~Colliii TV part 2

Last week I posted part one of the "Bad Reborning" episode on Colliii TV. This week, Petra and James discuss some of the aspects of what they found in the doll from the first episode.

~View part 2 here~

If you missed part one, here is the link:

~View part 1 here~

I am frustrated, but not surprised, with the feedback from these shows. Of course, I have not seen/heard all of the feedback but from what I have seen/heard tells me that there are a lot of upset ladies over the revelation of what is considered to be bad reborning. Guess they still want to follow the old practices and put out less than quality reborns. They think that Petra was picking the doll apart too closely. Harrumph! No she was not. The doll was priced at approximately $500 USD. For $500 the doll should be nearly perfect.

Is that a bad reborn in my opinion? I would not call him a "bad" reborn but he sure is not a high quality one. I have seen so much worse and have seen appalling things in dolls that sold for $1500-3000! He seemed to be weighted well and moved nicely, however, I would not desire sand in my reborns. The plastic pellets in the limbs do not bother me. I use them in the bodies of some of my newborns and in the limbs of my toddlers and have no fear of them melting. The application of the eyes is terrible and I do understand how hard eye placement can be! But one should work and work at it until they get it right. I love my babies fingers and toes so the lack of the nail tips would bother me. His overall skin tone is alright. He does not have a lot of depth but he looks cute. And the hair~EWE! Another example of purchasing inexpensive, adult mohair and not taking the required bazillion hours to root it. Would I buy him for the price that he was sold for? No. Could I have seen the flaws in him in the auction? Probably. I am a reborn baby connoisseur. I spent 3 years watching the reborn art evolve before I ever tried my hand at it. I read every word written in the auctions and closely viewed every picture....for three full years. I did not buy any dolls during that time but the ones I have bought over the last 4 1/2 years are exactly what I expected~I knew the good traits and the flaws of each and every doll and I came away a happy and satisfied customer.

If an auction does not show close up pictures of the dolls hair, eyes and skin tone, pass it by or ask the artist for clear, close up pictures. So much can be hidden with pictures. READ the description~and read between the lines too. You should not HAVE to read between the lines, but it's best that you do. Make sure they are being specific in what "high quality" products they are using. Is it high quality sand or glass beads? (ps~there is no high quality sand...sand is sand. It's dirt!) Collectors, it's up to you to carefully evaluate the doll that is being considered. Read every line and view every picture. Of course, in all integrity, the artist should promote her doll just as it is, the good with the bad, but in today's world, that just is not going to happen and...some ladies are just starting out. They borrow terms and words from the more well known artists in order to present their baby better. Do I think it's honest and a good way to promote? NO! But it happens.

We all start somewhere and I recall some things that I did in the beginning that made me think, "Huh, is this the right way to do this?" and then I moved on to, "there has to be a better way!" I found the better ways and changed what I was doing and today I change things as I and other artists find better ways and better products to use. This art is forever changing and evolving~that said, there are so many resources available for the beginner to get off to a very good start. Many of the old tutorials need to be thrown out. They are sorely outdated. Even when I started, my knowledge was already beyond the current tutorials available at that time. I pretty much taught myself and graced my knowledge with a whole lot of common sense.

Petra and James talk about a business license. In my state, I do not need a business license to operate. I do have a Federal Tax ID and my business is registered. I personally have not allowed returns as most of my business used to be via eBay. eBay is a great selling place and I have met many wonderful customers through eBay. But, there are a lot of nutty people out there too! Oh my, the questions and comments that have come through and also the people who bid, buy and don't pay are there by the hundreds! I chose not to accept returns to prevent "buyers remorse" from those ladies who overspend and then get into trouble with spouses. It happens...a lot!

But I have always clearly warranted my dolls for the life of the doll. If anything should go wrong, I will fix it. I think this is a good policy to have. I have never had to worry about misrepresenting my dolls and I cover every little area of the doll in the eBay auctions. Some people say I am a bit wordy and too honest~LOL Huh..what a revelation!

So ladies, if you are reading this and you have your panties in a knot over the Bad Reborning Exposed series, please, I beg you to re-evaluate what you have learned and to take your reborning to the next level. Together, we can create a world where every reborn is a good, quality purchase.

Many hugs to you all!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Megan won TWO awards!

I entered Megan in two contests on two of my guilds and she won both contests!! I will be printing these awards out for her to take to IDEX. they will go home with her and her new mommy. :)


I had just the best time with family in California! I am truly blessed by them and so thankful for each and every one of them.

And now just 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas and 7 weeks until I need to ship all IDEX babies to Florida! IKES!!! LOL Back to some serious work for me!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

AA baby boy ready for IDEX!

I am so pleased to introduce DeShon to the world! He is Adrie Stoete Schuiteman's "Cora" sculpt from Doll Dreams. I think he made a lovely AA boy! A big boy too~22" in length with bent legs. He is baby #5 ready for IDEX.

This will be my last post on the blog until Sunday. May you all have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Inserting Eyes and paci magnets Tutorial

This tutorial is for insertion of eyes from inside the head which is how I choose to insert my eyes. Start by first using an Exact o knife. Cut the eye socket from the bottom of the socket to just above the half way mark. This will create a flap to allow you access to the eye socket and also to help hold the new eye in. Eyes can be inserted before or after rooting. Always wait to attach eye lashes until your dolls head is rooted.

Gather the needed supplies:
Felt or fabric in your choice of color
Scissors to cut the felt
E6000 glue
Vinyl gloves~at least 3 of them
Small blanket to help hold the head
Small awl (not shown~Oops)

I use a receiving blanket rolled up on both ends as a help in my lap to keep the head from rolling.
With the dolls head in my lap, I use a small awl to push the socket flap out of the way as I prepare to insert the eye.

With the new eye on the middle finger, (or whichever finger works best for you) insert the eye into the head.
Once the eye is inserted into the socket a little bit, remove the awl to prevent scratching the eye.

Basically adjust the eye and insert the second eye.

There is too much gap between the eye and the flap of the socket for me to get the adjustment on this particular sculpt so I add a small pom-pom (found at craft stores) behind the eye. This will make the eye more secure and allow me to adjust it as desired.

Once the eyes are inserted, you can adjust them to whichever way you want them to focus.

When satisfied with the adjustment of the eyes, place a large amount of E6000 glue on a triple gloved finger.
Place the glue around the cut of the eye socket, lifting the flap slightly while being careful not to upset the pom pom or the adjustment of the eye. Repeat for the second eye and also add glue to the bridge of the nose and the lips/chin area. This is where you will glue in your felt.

Adjust the eyes as desired and remove one glove and throw it away.

Cut a triangle of felt or cloth.

Insert the triangle upside down with the large end covering the eye sockets and the small end covering the back side of the lips and chin.

Really bad picture! Sorry! But I think you can see that the felt grabs onto the eye socket and covers the nose opening and down to the chin.

Place a large dollop of glue into the lip area where the magnet will go for the magnetic pacifier.
Remove the glove. (I should have had 3 gloves on but did not~you will see why I should in a moment and I had to put another one on)

If you have a magnetic paci all made up, use it, or just use a magnet and place it over the lips to help guide the magnet you will insert to the correct place.

Holding the paci or magnet in place, flip the head face down and place a magnet inside. It will attach to the magnet on the outside. Using a gloved finger, move the inside magnet around until you are satisfied with the placement. Check your eye covering and eye setting to make sure you did not move them during the process.

I was not really happy with how that pacifier fit this doll so I will use just a magnet to hold the inside magnet in place while the glue dries.

After a final check of magnet and eyes, lay the head face down without putting pressure on the eyes or the magnet. Use a rolled up cloth to buffer the chin and forehead to keep the pressure off.

Allow the glues to dry for a few hours before moving the doll head. However, you can check to make sure things did not move and make adjustments accordingly.
E6000 glue will dry smell free in about 24 hours.

Good luck!

Tomorrow I will show off my new baby boy~and then I will be on vacation :)

Exposing poor reborning on Colliii TV

What every collector and artist should see!

~Watch Petra and James evaluate a "collector" reborn doll~

Excellent Colliii TV!

I will post part two when it becomes available. I am simply thrilled with this information being broadcast!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Binki the Orangutan is ready!

Meet sweet Binki! She is the twin to the other little Orangutan I put together for my Grand daughter for Christmas.

These little "tans" are just as cute as can be and I can't wait until Christmas! My grand daughter is going to love them!

~Nursery Notes~

I had a very busy weekend and completed a lot of odd tasks. I even got some mohair colored and hope to get it listed for sale today.

I am so anxious to show you my new AA boy! Hopefully I can do that tomorrow. He was waiting for a new body.

~This week in the Nursery~

Today and tomorrow will find me listing mohair, putting that new baby boy together, starting a new baby for IDEX and also working on a special Christmas offering.

Tuesday will find me cleaning the house for our caretakers stay as we will be traveling to see family over Thanksgiving. The nursery and the blog will be closed from Wednesday through Saturday. That means NO Friday Funnies this week :(

Have a great day!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Funnies! Sad ending for the Rubber Chicken~


It's Wednesday evening around 8:30 pm.

Hewwo Aunties and Cousin Spike. I dust dot back from Wensday church service. Wow....da pastor had wots to say about how we should get wid of anyting dat tempts us to do bad. He swaid "Trow it away, fwush it down da towiet...just get wid of it!".

Spwike, join me brudder....we need to "kick da habbits"! I know what I needs to do wif dis rubber chwicken so I tan be dood and I know jest who
can hewlp me. Waht do you tink Spwike? Wanna be dood?

Hey Wuke....wanna doe to the potty wif me?

Dis is it naughty rubber chwicken, yer dyin days is here!

Hey Wuke, you doe fwush da handle, otay?

s it dgone Michwal?

IT IS! WE DID IT!!!!! Oh wow! I fewl tewwific! dust tan't imgwin how wunderfuwl dis feels!

Mommy hears the boys flushing the toilet so goes into check. Micheal tells her the whole story and she is so pleased. But, there is one thing she does not understand. So she asks: "Luke Honey, uh, where are your pants?"

I donno mommy. Michwal sed we wuz goin to da potty so I tought we was goin potty!

(Ahhhh.....peace has resumed in the nursery once again. Michael is happy to be back in the crib with the other babies. He even put on horse head slippers to show his brother Matthew how much he really loves him.

~For the love of dolls and all things right~

Have a great and happy Friday!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Changing my Christmas Wish List to lights!

Aren't they wonderful??? And they just might be the solution to my problem!

I was a bit perplexed about my camera issue and taking pictures of Lakita Marie as just a few weeks ago, I took this great picture of my beautiful grand daughter with the very same camera.

So, I have changed my wish list to this set of lights~and if that does not work then I will set out for a new camera. Shopping for lights is MUCH easier than shopping for a new camera!

So let's talk about lights and the reborn doll.

It used to be considered taboo to use lights during the photography of a reborn doll~and according to the auctions I see, it probably still is as the auctions state that "natural lighting" is used, but *I* don't believe that it is a wrong thing to do.

I would rather use lights and capture the true color of the reborn doll than to claim to not use them, and have my doll's color washed out and/or have the tone off, which is exactly what happens every time I attempt to use "natural light". I thing the natural light here in the north west is pretty intense and harsh.

~Nursery Notes~

Baby #5, a black baby boy, has about half of his hair. I intend to stay up late tonight in hopes to finish it. I am excited about him!

I will be finishing two babies paint today~they are both Asian. I am excited about that too!

Have a wonderful Thursday!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tiny OOAK elf on eBay~gotta see her!

I don't have much to post on the blog today regarding my nursery so I am going to put up a link to a tiny One-of-a-Kind Elf baby, Candy, created by my dear friend Sharon Robinson.

I have two of Sharon's OOAK mini babies and you just can't go wrong adopting from Sharon. They are cute as can be and always dressed SO well. I fully intend on adopting a new OOAK from Sharon at IDEX in January.

~See Candy's auction here~

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mohair finally listed for sale!

We went to dinner last night and ran into a person whom my husband used to work with. The man commented on how wonderful he thinks my dolls are and also added "I bet it is a lot of work too." My husband chimed in "Yes, it is...she works ALL the time~most nights I take the dog to bed." Poor guy. He is so ever patient!

He is right. I work ALL the time. It's the only way I can keep things available for my customers.

So, I am delighted to announce that after a few sleepless nights, I have some mohair listed for sale! Follow the link to see it, along with some reborns and reborn kits.

~Click here to see all the hair and purchase~


Nursery Notes:

Baby #5 for IDEX is coming along so well. He has about 1/3 of his hair. He is an AA baby and SOOOOO boy! His sculpt is the Adrie Stoete "Cora" from Doll Dreams.

Baby#6 for IDEX is on the painting table and coming along nicely. She is Sheila Michael's Kirsten sculpt from Doll Dreams and I chose her to be Asian. Guess I am getting all the ethnic babies out of the way first!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Vienna is finished! She's now Lakita Marie

Please welcome Lakita Marie into the world! She is Andrea Arcello's "Vienna" sculpt. I have made her into a bi-racial bouncing baby girl weighing 5# 4 oz and measuring 19" with her chubby bent legs.

She is baby #4 all ready for IDEX.

PS...I had a horrible time with pictures...I definitely have a camera on my wish list for Christmas. I think I have worn the other one out.

Have a wonderful Monday!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Precious Moments: The adoption of a baby boy~

I cannot say enough just how precious my day was the other day as I delivered one of my "babies" to his new "Mommy".

This sweet, adorable, charming and polite young lady has been saving her money for three years to adopt a baby from me.

She put Jeffrey on Layaway in October when she saw him at a show and I was able to hand deliver him to her this last Tuesday. Oh it was PRECIOUS!

We had a wonderful time together with her Mom at a darling little cafe. We shall now be friends...Forever!

Do I worry about one of my babies being in the hands of someone so young? Not with this young lady! Look at her counting his fingers and toes!

I have already heard stories of her becoming very upset when well-meaning ladies want to hold him and then don't hold him with enough care. Tears well up into her big, beautiful eyes and she politely and quietly asks her mother to retrieve Jeffrey to her caring arms.
Nope. Not worried at all. In fact, if I ever need a baby sitter for any of my "babies", I will know just who to call. :)

Mom had to ask to hold baby Jeffrey too....she was allowed a FEW minutes with him and of course she was very careful...every move was being watched by his "mommy!

Moments like these are what my "job" are all about. They are precious and I can't be any more blessed!

(oh and of course it was so much fun to see the reactions of Jeffrey by other guests at the cafe and the cafe staff! Those moments are precious and FUN!)

Have a great day!