
Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Funnies! Kenji....WAKE UP!

"Kenji....wake up baby brudder....."

"What's da matter widdle sissy?"

~sigh~ "Kenji won't wake up and I hab somtin to show him!"

"Awe, don't worry sissy. I know he sweeps a wot but it's okay..he stays out of trouble that way."

"But he has dees new cwothes to twy on! How can he get dwessed when he is sweeping?"

"I hab and idea"....

"You put da socks on and I wiwl take his onsie off"

"Otay, Joylyne, now I wiwl hold him and you snap the new bwue onsie....he is kindof big for me!"

"how do deese tings work?"

"Here Bekkah, hewlp me wif da pants!"

"Uh Oh. We messed up his hair! We better comb it, you know how cwazy mommy is about all us babies hair!"

"We did it!"

"Oh my....Oh, it's so cute! 'Fits' him just perfectly!" giggle giggle

This story brought to you with love from Joylyne Huti, Bekkah Huti, Kenji Huti and Debbie.

Joylyne and Bekkah are manufactured dolls from Ashton Drake and Kenji is a One of a Kind clay baby by Tinekke Janssen of Huti Babies.

Have a fabulous Friday!

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