
Thursday, July 16, 2009

So what IS a reborn doll anyway????

I am so glad that you asked! Oh long about 9 years or so ago, some ladies wanted to make regular baby dolls look and feel more real. Why you ask? Well, because for centuries little girls desired that their baby dolls looked and felt more real. These little girls grew up and became creative women not straying far from that little girl wish. With creativity and resources available to them, they began taking standard play dolls and collector dolls apart, stripping off the original coloring, removing the original body and either sanding grooved hair off the head or removing unrealistic wigs. They then used all kinds of different paints and pigments to create a more life like tone and color, added a new body with weight and a new more babyish wig. This was the reborn doll back in the day~hence the title "reborn doll". It's not a Christian doll as some would believe the title to mean, rather it is a doll that was redone/reborn. Today, the reborn doll is an amazing piece of artwork! Over the years, the art has refined and continues to refine with more and more women, and some men, going beyond the standard practices to reach a level of ultimate realism. Reborn doll artists are blessed to have had the sculpting artists and manufactures paying attention to the art and they began to create vinyl pieces for the artists to use as the reborn doll canvas. Now artists can purchase these unpainted kits of a vinyl head, limbs and sometimes a torso or belly plate and begin creating sooner than they did in the past. Dolls are still taken apart and reborn by many artists, myself included, but with so many beautifully sculpted kits available that tedious task is becoming less and less. Today's reborn dolls are simply amazing! Tomorrow I will touch a little bit about the process of today's life-like reborn baby doll.

Ahhhh...and tomorrow is Friday! On Fridays I will post "Friday Funnies"~funny pictures or picture stories using my personal dolls as the stars in the stories.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Awesome explanation! Gotta love the makes life interesting doesn't it?

  2. You said it all, Debbie! Cannot wait for Friday "Funnies"!! You are definitely the best when telling a story..with the exception of when you are reborning a doll!! : )

  3. Lovely post. It always surprises me how many people still have not heard of them. I guess once you're immersed in the dolly world, you forget the rest of the world is not!

  4. Love the blog it looks fab! Looking forward to your posts :)
