
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Website is back up!

 It took quite some time on the phone, several times,

but my website is back up!

~They Never Grow Up Nursery Website~

I think there is still a little kink or two to work out but at least it is available in cyber space!

This sweet little micro-preemie full body silicone girl is available on my website under "Available Babies"

also...the June prototype is available BUT, I have not placed her on my website yet.

She is available through my Facebook Business page:

~See June HERE~

Her pictures do not do her justice AND I learned some new things with my camera so I may just have to re-take her photos when I have a minute (or two!).  She is gorgeous, full body silicone measuring 21 inches long

Happy St. Patricks Day!


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

16 years came and went! And, website down.

 Can you believe this?

SIXTEEN YEARS at They Never Grow Up Nursery!

It actually happened in February 2021 but that month came and went SO FAST!

So here were are into March already.  

This next year will be a new beginning for my business, but that said, it will take me a bit to realign myself, especially as we come into the spring and summer season which is always very busy for me in my daily life.

My mother has lived with me for the past 3 1/2 years, and I spent a significant time prior to that getting ready for her arrival.  

She is turning 80 later this month and has decided that she wants to go "home";  back to Idaho to live on her own.

She his healthier than when she arrived here but could use all the prayers you can muster up as in my and my family's opinion, she is not healthy enough to live on her own.  She is pretty dependent on others.

So please pray as we enter this new phase of life.

The next thought on my mind is that my website seems to be no longer.  I am still paying a boat load of money for it, and I can go to my host and edit/update/add, but the provider (whom I've never even heard of!) that publishes it is not publishing in.  I am currently in conversation with this provider trying to resolve the problem.  It is pretty frustrating!

In the Nursery:

A new FBS prototype from Lilianne Breedveld will be arriving in the first week of April!