
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Meet the unfinished Nels!

I simply cannot resit this darling boy!!!

This is "Nels", who used to be Nellie Rose by Nellie Beardslee, sculpted in 2003 and poured into platinum silicone by Melissa McCrory.   I have to say that I LOVED repainting this older silicone!

Nellie is Bonnie Chyle's sister  :)

He is not finished as I will root RED hair onto him as seen in the last picture.  
But he is so darn cute I had to assemble him and give him some cuddles.

You should have seen my mom with him!  She giggled at his cuteness, kissed him and gave him the biggest hug!  My heart melted!

He will be staying in my personal collection. 

Enjoy my cuddle bunny!  
By the way, he is 22 1/2 inches big!

Be still my heart!

Soon I will have silicone baby Evan finished!  
I might finish his hair today.  He is so sweet and reminds me of my grandson Jack.  
Evan will be available for adoption when he is done.


Monday, February 12, 2018

"Celebrating" 13 years!

February marks the anniversary of They Never Grow Up Nursery being 13 years old!

I am a aware of it, but I have not had any time to think of a way to celebrate.

I think I will just be still and know that it has been


My complete gratitude to all of the collectors, many who have become friends, to my friends, family and to all of the followers of my business.  Without you I would be doll-less Debbie! 

My love to you all!



Thursday, February 8, 2018

Still here!

I miss my almost-daily blog posts from that time a year or so ago that I was able to post, and I hope to be able to do it again someday soon.  

I hope to be able to do teaching video tutorials someday too.

But...not right now.  

I am learning to be content with whatever comes my way.  

Coming my way today is the start of Baby Evan, that sweet silicone I shared with you the last time I "blogged".  I am also starting on a silicone doll for me too.  "HIS" name was Nellie when he was created by Bonnie Chyle's sister Nellie, but I shall be calling him Nels.  I think he will be a perfect boy!  

Hmmm....I do not think I have a picture to show you right now.  

Alright!  Off to work.  I have today and tomorrow ALL DAY in the studio, as well as Monday day and evening and Tuesday.  Yay!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!