
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

We interrupt this business for a Mother :)

Thursday of this week (September 28, 2017) I leave for Idaho to go to my mother's house and finish packing her up for her move here to Oregon.

My husband will join us on Friday evening and on Saturday, we will be "bugging out" of the place where I grew up and the town where Mom has called home since 1974.  

It will be bittersweet as we drive away.  

I do not expect to do any studio work for a week or two as we settle mom in.  
My husband and I have been moving furniture out, taking care of tasks to get ready and I have painted mom's room and bathroom.  Today I am cleaning carpets and today and tomorrow I am putting up some shelves in the storage shed to help make more room out there for things I have yet to remove from her new closet.  

Once mom is settled and I've taken her to some appointments here, I will be starting the work on 
Full Body Silicone prototype Purdey and also on Full Body Silicone Luna.  Neither of them are here yet but I expect the timing to work out just perfectly.  

I am nervous about making such a long trip with mom.  Siting in the car is not easy for her and our journey is at least 4 hours with one potty break.  I suspect we will need more than that and we may need a meal.  

Pray that her O2 tanks hold out and that she is comfortable during the trip.   

I'll pop in from time to time here...maybe for just an update on how things are going and how our trip went etc.  

Hugs to all!

Monday, September 25, 2017

It's Monday and it's LISTED! Mohair that is!

I think this is the first time in a while that I actually met one of my timeline goals!

It took me all day to photograph, package and list, but here it is!!!

Oh the colors and textures!!!

Thank you for shopping with me!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mohair magic...

I will be placing the last batch of mohair into the dye pot this morning and finish it's processing tomorrow morning!

I've got 5 batches (roughly 20 ounces) in the dye pots from yesterday that I will be completing the processing of today.  

I SHOULD be able to list it all on Monday!!!  

Whew...this has been a long haul but it feels downright...

magical to be almost done!  

Happy Thursday!

(Ps...we have already had 2 frosts here in my part of Oregon.  I think we are in for another 
snow apocalypse this season!)


Monday, September 11, 2017

So many things packed into this day, September 11

Two days ago was the year "anniversary" of the dismount off my horse up on that mountain that broke 2 ribs.  

Two days ago our final child was married

The cheesecake wedding cake  :)


One of my dearest long distance friends passed away on September 11th and of course, we will never forget the tragedy of 9/11 here in the United States.  

So many emotions today.  

God bless.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hump day, slump day!

Remember me?  
I am that lady that used to make dolls and process mohair...

WHERE did I go???  

Goodness sakes. 

I traveled to Idaho to see Mom and my sister who was visiting from Ohio (plus I saw some other family members as well) and I brought back with me a load of Mom's stuff!  It is getting really real now!

I jumped for joy when Mom showed me her new address labels...with MY address on them!  

Even though I still have mohair to process, yesterday was spent re-arranging my storage shed in the back yard to fit in Mom's Christmas ornament boxes as well as just make more room for other things that will go into that shed later.  

And then just basic tasks.  You see, our son is getting married this coming Saturday.  
We will be housing 6 additional people...4 of them will be here from Thursday night through Sunday afternoon and then the final two (my precious in-laws) will be staying here through the next Friday.  
I am making the wedding cake...a lovely tiered cheesecake!  
I have not built a wedding cheesecake before but with only a few days to get it done (Friday morning, bright and early I will wake up to two little grandgirls who will be demanding of my attention so I do not expect to accomplish much on Friday at all), I am thankful that it is a cheesecake as it will not require icing!  

Here is the "pattern" for the cake that our beautiful bride-to-be choose.
This is a "new" thing in wedding cakes...uniced, or barely iced cakes.
(This cake is not cheesecake but the pattern will work well.)

I will be sure to share how my cake turns out.  
Hopefully I will "nail it"!  LOL

I intended to work on mohair last Friday but my sweet new friend was so anxious to come over again that I decided that since this week is insane that I could spare an hour and a half for her.  

We spent some time in the Dolly House where she helped me change a few babies and tidy things up a bit.

(I cannot remember if I shared about this darling 10 year old.  She is a local doll collector/doll lover.  She has tinkered with painting a couple manufactured dolls, making her own paints from supplies she had on hand.  She is creative and I think that once she has the proper supplies, she will do very well in the doll world.  
She is generous beyond the word and has blessed me with some dolls and treasures from her collection.)

Here I am with Kyler, in the Dolly House with two of my dolls.

She is such a precious love!

Onward forward.  Time to put on my Super Woman cape.   I have more to do in the next 48 hours than is humanly possible and at this moment, all I want to do is to sit here and sip on coffee.

Time to get moving!
