
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Vinyl AA "Demetrick" available for direct adoption

Please welcome Demetrick!

He is a darling AA boy that I created from the Denver Rose vinyl kit by Marita Winters.

Demetrick is available for direct adoption on my website ~HERE~

I do love this little man  :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Silicone Oliver available for adoption

This little guy made so many people smile and giggle at the Portland Show.
There just weren't a lot of people buying reborns and silicones so he is now up for adoption on my website.

Welcome Oliver!

Oliver is available ~HERE~

I will be working on the website page for Demetrick, who is also available  :)


Friday, August 26, 2016

She did it! She sold that baby doll!

I am so proud of Jenalyne!
She did an awesome job helping to set up our show table, was amazing with all of the customers who came by and...


She was so excited~especially since twin customers of mine that she had met in the past bought her sweet little Paris.  She was secretly hoping that Paris would go home with them as she knew they would provide a great home for her.

They also took home my Beau~both babies created from the Leighton Rose doll kit.  

Here are cell phone pictures and if I ever get caught up, I will post the camera pictures.

Little miss Paris all ready for the show.

Jenalyne and Paris during the show set-up:
Jenalyne's home-made price tag card:

Paris on display:
She was so proud that collectors were drawn to her doll!
She's such an awesome young lady and vendor!
The twins, Jenalyne and Paris!
THIS is what makes it possible to send something we put our entire hearts into off to another home.  

I sold 2 of my 5 dolls at the show  :)  


Thursday, August 18, 2016

We did it! Little peek of the show babies for Saturday!

Here they are, without further adieu


Grandgirl Jenalyne's:  

We hope to see some of you at the show!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Makin' babies!

Grandgirl Jena and I are getting there!

I have three babies assembled with just a few adjustments to do and I may be finished rooting the final baby today.  He will need assembled with final details as well but I feel like we ARE getting there.

Jena should finish rooting her little Paris today.  Oh, she is so in love with her!

I HOPE to be able to share pictures before we head to the show but the truth is, we may just get the pictures taken and left on the camera before we head out.  There are so many details left to do to get these 6 babies show ready plus get my world ready to be gone again for a few days.  

This late fall and winter I will be staying home makin' babies (and mohair!)!!


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Baby Daisies by Jenalyne; work in progress

My 13 year old granddaughter is working on her 4th reborn doll.
She calls her nursery Baby Daisies by Jenalyne  :)

Today she will matte/seal the doll and will be rooting hair on her.

The 15 inch sweetie is Marita Winters new Leighton Rose kit.
Jenalyne has named this version, "Paris".
We have been online shopping for clothes for her and I can't wait to show you what she picked out!

Meet Paris as a work in progress:

Here is the young artist herself hard at work on her doll:

Indeed she is my Mini-Me!

Jenalyne will be offering her sweet reborn at the August 20

Stop by and see us!  

Monday, August 8, 2016

Utah ROSE show class pictures :)

Sweet, sweet Sumertime, sumertime...

Since July 17th I have been home a total of 5 whole nonconsecutive days.  
Those days home were filled with unpacking, packing and taking care of business for the next trip.
I am home now for 12 days before I leave again for the Portland, Oregon Crossroads Doll and Teddy Bear show  :)  My granddaughter is here with us now and she is making her fourth reborn doll with the intention of selling it at this show.  She is trying very hard not to fall in love with it!  

Wish her luck!

With a few days available to catch up, here are the class picture from my 
Creating Ethnic Skin Tones using Baby FX air dry paints.  
The students loved the paints and each made a beautiful baby out of Marita Winters new 
Leighton Rose kit.
The Davis Convention Center was BEAUTIFUL and the staff were accommodating, helpful and very kind.
Here we are hard at work

 My lovely ladies and their baby heads at the end of day 1.
This class had women of all ages including a 12 yr old and a 15 yr old.  
I loved every moment of it!

Here we are with our "completed" babies, with 2 exceptions.
I am holding my Prototype of Leighton Rose as my class Leighton Rose was prepped to teach a weighting workshop on the showroom floor and I didn't have time to assemble him then disassemble him for this photo shoot, and Danielle's (Far right, front row) baby was in the Dolly Hospital getting her eyes glued in.

She borrowed my prototype and said, "My baby!"  LOL

Such a sweet lady!  
I did get a picture of her and her darling baby before she sent her to the "hospital".
First time air dry paint user, first ethnic

In fact, I got a picture of all of the ladies with their babies!

Miranda, age 12:
First Ethnic, first time air dry paint user

First time air dry paint user
 Meagan age 15:
First reborn doll

First time air dry paint user

First reborn doll

First reborn doll

First ethnic

First ethnic with air dry paints

First ethnic with air dry paints 
Monika made her dolls outfit~isn't it just adorable???
In fact, I think that many of the class babies were dressed in Monika's designs!

Oh I had SO much fun!