
Friday, March 29, 2013

Oh it's Friday!!!

Hmmm....I didn't take any new pictures of anyone in my collection.  Let me see if I can dig up something from the past that is appropriate for spring.

How about bunnies!!!

Silicone Giovanni by Laura Tuzio Ross,
reborn "Sweet Pickles" by Rene'
Silicone Carrie Lynne by Laura Tuzio Ross

 Carrie has always liked bunnies but Giovanni is pretty apprehensive about them.
 Silicone Lauren by Jorja Pigott:
I simply love my bunnies!

Have a beautiful Easter weekend

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Progress on my first silicone repaint

I am just SO tickled with how things are going on my little doll!
Not that there have not been some trying and learning moments but I am enjoying this process.

Here is my little Laurel silicone doll, by Rita Rich Arnold when I had her silicone stripped and ready for new paint (minus the fuzzies that I had to remove first):

And here she is as of last night:

She is not perfect (especially on her limbs) but her silicone was not perfect and I am still learning.  

This morning I wanted to test what I did yesterday so I gave her a soapy bath.
There were two spots on her limbs that didn't take and a little on her lower lip but the rest of the silicone paint is set and staying.  

I'll add more silicone to my touch up paints today and see if I can correct those areas.

I should be able to finish her paint today but I will have to consult with my mentor to check on matting this type of silicone.  

But...before I paint, I must finish packaging the mohair and get all of the listings up.
I believe I will have close to 38 ounces to offer!  

Click ~HERE~ for the link to my ARTFIRE selling site as I won't be back to update after the listings are up...I have a silicone baby to get back to  :)

Have a great Easter Weekend!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

LOVE this magazine

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I no longer have much faith in the production of doll magazines, especially subscription magazines.

But this one is proving to provide:

The link above is for an eBay pre-sale of the magazine, but in the email I received announcing it's edition release, and in the body of the auction itself, it states that the magazine is ready to ship and that I should receive mine by Saturday.  I believe the listing was not changed when the magazines came into stock.

I have purchased the other two editions and I fully, FULLY enjoy it!  

The magazine is bilingual:  Portuguese/English and is filled with helpful tutorials, interesting profiles and SO MANY beautiful dolls!

I highly recommend it, especially since the magazine is designed to be purchased month by month instead of a subscription.  




Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In the final stretches!

Today will be the last INTENSE day of mohair processing
and tomorrow the final day of actual processing.  
On Thursday morning, I will package up the last batch and begin the listing.

I expect the hair to be all available by Noon PST on Thursday!
I have blondes, browns, reds and blacks.  ALL gorgeous colors!
This three week journey is coming to an end  :)

Enjoy your Tuesday!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Friends, dolls and fun at the doll show

One of the best things about attending a doll show is getting to hang out with people you only get to see, at most, a couple of times a year...and new ones that you meet. 

And having time to "play" with the dolls that we brought along on the trip.
These two darlings belong to Sally.  
 She has a buggy full of red heads!  
She allowed me to borrow some buggy space for the Mikki Prototype.  She fit in well with the rest of the reds.  :)

 These two are Monique's.   I think they got worn out!
 My Cathe enjoyed some extra time playing in our hotel room with her new kitten:
 Sally's Eliza also enjoyed some kick-back time in the room.  This doll is just stunning!
 As we all gathered in our hotel room to "play", we noticed how many of these awesome bags from our friend, Susan/Dizon Designs.  These turn into bassinets at night (for babies to rest) and are great shopping/baby carrying bags in the day!
 Oh we have TOO much fun!  
Sally and I were helping to adjust the weight in a doll head and the baby grew a Koala head while we had her be-headed~LOL
 Erin of Tender Hope and Jeanne of Jeanne's Teenies:
Erin is holding a doll that Jeanne made and Jeanne is holding my Mikki Prototype.
 My girls all decked out for St. Patrick's Day:

 Cathe, back in the hotel room, is holding onto a treasure that I bought as a gift for an upcoming holiday. 
That's all I can say about that  :) 
(She looks a little bit tired after the long shopping day!)
 Erin's husband, Will, tending to their darling cloth dolls.  
We LOVE it when the guys come to the doll shows and are so helpful!

Sharon Ullrich made some tiny outfits for my reborn, OOAK Bonnie Chyle baby.  I did not have time to play with him before I left so I brought him and the outfits and did a little photo shoot in the hotel room.
He is ready for Spring Training in this little set:
 And he is as playful as ever in this set:
 Complete with animal ears!
 The blue set has two hats  :)

 Little miss un-named had to have her picture taken too.  I called her something at the show but I don't remember what!  LOL  Poor baby.
 Miss Sharon sent Dougy a sweet pacifier too.
 This is my friend, Becky's, toddler doll, Penny.  We all adore this sweet girl!  She was a real hit on the show floor too!
 Becky purchased this great rocking horse for 50 CENTS!  I had to play with it! LOL 
 I think Iris Leanne is waning for some attention.  She is Becky's toddler as well.  I made her several years ago.
 Dougy found the kitty!
 Cathe really WAS tired after two days on the show floor.  She got in her St. Patty's day pj's...
 And was ready to sleep!
 Just LOVE this shot of her:
This was taken, obviously, on St. Patrick's day.
Erin, myself and our friend Sally (not the same Sally that had the buggy full of babies).
 Our group dinner out at Olive Garden.
From the front left to the back and around the back to the right then front again:
Dana, Sally, Aron, Monique, me, Becky, Erin, Will, Beth, oh no!  I forgot Beth's daughter's name!!!, and Amanda.  Those not shown were Jess and her infant son.  He had a meltdown and they had to leave. 
I love going to doll shows!
Can't wait for the next one.



Sunday, March 24, 2013

Running, running, running behind!

The mohair offerings will not be going up today as I am running behind and trying to get as much done as possible.

I just bought 6 pounds of absolutely LOVELY fine adult hair yesterday, so I want to get some of that dyed as well.  Oh my.  This is Lucy's half sister and the first adult hair I've seen that is as lovely as Lucy's.  It's finer than Lucy's and has that same awesome shine and luster to it.  

So without further adieu, I am running back to the mohair project!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, March 22, 2013

What I bought/adopted at the Puyallup Show

I found several little treasures at the show...and had so much fun doing so!

The first one is this little One of a Kind clay baby.
She is not signed, nor did she have a certificate of any kind.  She was part of an estate sale.
Two people have stated that she looks like a Cheryl Hill baby.
She is approximately 10 inches long. 
I found the little jacket she is wearing at the show.  It is a perfect fit!
 Her clay and color is in exceptional condition.  I had to re-glue he lashes but they are perfect now.  and I plan on removing her hair and giving her a new head of hair.  This hair is a bit too yellow for me and it is stiff and stuck to her head.

I bought these two cloth dolls for $5 for BOTH of them!  They are in excellent condition and were such a good buy!  
Oh and...I bought the little artist hedgehog!  
I've always wanted a hedgehog!

They are both signed on the back of the head, Sheila Frederick.

 They are going to be great help in the nursery!

Back to that hedgehog.
He is SO cute and Mikki Prototype took to him with affection:
The funnest purchase I made was a small, mechanical kitten.
It just so happens that I bought a DARLING outfit for my silicone Cathe, that arrived the day before I left for the show.  The outfit is adorned with kittens and Cathe wore it the first day of the show.  I placed the kitten in her lap and draped the ribbon of her dress over the kitten.  When people wanted to meet Cathe, I pushed the kitten's belly which caused the kitten to move her legs as if she were playing with the ribbon.  I loved it and it made people smile.
SO much fun!  

Speaking of fun...
Sunday's post will be about how we played the rest of the weekend, on the show floor and in hotel rooms.  It's always so much fun to get together with doll friends!

See you then!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Puyallup Doll Show

As promised...Doll Show pictures!

I enjoyed this show so much! I just love going around looking at all of the different types of art that I appreciate.  Many of these are random pictures...Enjoy!

 Some of my reborn friends dolls:
 I just thought this Raggedy Ann display was sweet.

 My friend, Sally Sangder and her reborn dolls:
 Sally has this awesome carriage for sale:

My friend, Jeanne's Teenies reborn dolls:
 Jeanne's son reborned the baby boy on the left.  Isn't he cute??
 This show provided just about every kind of doll furniture out there!
 And two MAGNIFICENT doll houses!  This one was called "Rose Cottage" and simply stunning:
 This large "cottage" is available by calling 425-765-4010
It as priced at $750

This house is Sherlock Holmes' apartment and bar/club.
It is a very large house with his apartment in the back.
 This house is available by calling 253-655-5696 or
It was priced at $895

 I enjoy seeing the creative ways that people display their items, such as this tower of ribbons:
 This tea set was SO cool!

 I LOVED this Hildegard Gunzel doll:
 AWESOME art doll by my friend, Stephanie Block:
 A reborn by Stephanie Block:
 And some nifty doll pins by Stephanie Block:

 Don't know which I love more...the chickens or the bunny!
 These steam punk bears were SO COOL!
 And our beloved doll show hostest/organizer, DorothyDrake,  adopted one of them!  (The one on the left)

This is Patricia Thorne.
She wrote a very interesting book called "The Untold Story of the Teddy Bear".
I was mesmerized by the book, Patricia and the display.  I bought a book and had Patricia sign it.
And I am reading it with great delight.

 Since I plan on publishing Children's Picture Story Books when I retire from reborning, I asked Patricia some questions about publishing.  She was GREAT help and lead me to an association that I should join for support and guidance.  I am very grateful for that.
The beautiful book can be purchased at
 More random pictures:
 Just the way this cat is posed, it gives ultimate life-likedness to it!
 Tiny crib with a drop down bar:

 The photographer from the local paper took many shots of the two dolls I had with me:
My silicone, Cathe, by Bonnie Chyle and my reborn prototype Mikki.
(My friends Erin and Will look on)
 Ahhhh....good times for all! 

Tomorrow I will show off my new adoptions!