
Friday, August 31, 2012

Prototype Shy is on eBay!

Wow, I did it!  I got Shy's auction up and running BEFORE leaving for the doll show!
Please wish her well  :) 

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Babies, babies, BABIES!

Sometimes it seems like nothing is happening here in the nursery and then all of the sudden...
Babies are born!

I have three to share with you today!

First is that precious prototype of Shy, Kellie Beckett's very first vinyl kit.

She is 12 1/2 inches long and weighs 2 pounds.  
She is a delightful handful and I simply adored "playing" with her while I took her pictures.
She will go on eBay as soon as I have time to do the listing.
(I'm packing up and heading to Portland, Oregon for the Crossroads Doll and Teddy Bear show tomorrow morning.  I'll be on the blog when I can...I'm taking a 2 day vacation after the show and going to the Oregon Coast!  With personal dolls so you know stories will happen!)
I will bring Shy to the show but she will only be available for eye candy only.  Her adoption will be through eBay.

Please meet Shy:

And this little sweetheart is going home today.
She is Jessica Schenk's "Talullah", one of the three triplets.
I started her as I taught my one student at the Down East Doll Show.
My student desired to adopt her and asked for painted hair.

I think she turned out adorable!  I'll be doing the third triplet when I can and this student/customer would like to adopt him as well.

And this little one is ready for the show!
She's another Create a Baby...Created and is as cute as can be!
Meet Garnet:

The Portland show will be the last show for this year that I show MY babies at.
I am contemplating running a Create a Baby stand at the Puyallup Washington show in October where girls can come and assemble their own sweet Create a Baby.  I think this sounds like GREAT fun!

Hugs until I check in again.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hair on the goat! Trip to the mohair farm :)

Oh what fun it was to run my fingers through the lovely locks of angora hair as it remained on the goats!

You see, it's not quite time for the fall clipping but my wonderful goat farmer is taking some of her flock to the Flock and Fiber show in September and she needed to know which goat's fiber I would be wanting to purchase so that she could choose which goats to take and which ones she could sell.

I didn't take pictures of all the goats to which I am purchasing fiber from but here are some general pictures from the flock.

Peek-a-boo, MAYBE I see you...but maybe my hair is in my eyes!  LOL

Look at this sweet baby kid goat!

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy!  I LOVE your locks...always have!  I am definitely purchasing Lucy's fiber!

Some more random shots:

And my FAVORITE picture of all....
A kid goat and a kid!

The goats will be shorn the end of September, first part of October and then the new, raw fiber will be in stock. 

Many of the goats are new to the farm as Pleasant Hill Farm Angora Goats herd master is working toward eliminating the coarse fibers that can sometimes be found amidst lovely mohair.  She constantly works towards creating the best angora fiber.  How exciting is that?

Monday, August 27, 2012

It MUST be Monday!

I've had about 2 weeks of pretty calm but today is feeling a bit stressed!  

I need to finish rooting Shy and doing her final touches today...and I will but I'm hoping to get her done in time to do some important errands this afternoon.  

I know, there is always tomorrow, right?  
No.  No tomorrow.  Tomorrow will find me leaving the house early with grand-girl in tow to meet her Mommy half way so that she can go home just in time for school to start.  
On the way back, I'll visit the goat farm to purchase my winter supply of raw fiber~I'm so excited about that!  Ohhhh...what will I bring home??  

Seems like our two week visit with our girl went so fast.  We did a lot of fun things, including her very first trail ride.

What a DELIGHT for us to have her riding along with us all by herself.  
Below are her and Grandpa
Awe, I hate to see her go.  
I am far behind in a lot of things...I don't know how people do this kind of business with children in the home, I have a VERY difficult time keeping up.  

So onward, forward!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Funnies~A picture story!

Luke goes exploring

Hewwo ebberybuddy!
 I am Wuke, da expworer!
I has my all my gear and is weady to examine da world!

Ohhhh...wook!  Fwowers!
I better wook cwoser, day are my mommy's faborite cowor!

I found a budderfwy!!
I wunders if der is any fishy in da water??

DAR IS!  WOOK, I catchded one!
I wiwl examine him to see all his pwetty cowors.
I lub my fish!
Whooo-Hooooo!  Wook at me!  
I is king of da mountain!

My fwiend and fewwow expworer, Jena, shows how big da rocks are awound here!

I catchded a dwagon fwy!!!!
Why do day call it a dwagonfwy?
It don't wook wike a dragon.

Twees, twees!  So many twees to cwimb!

Oh wow!  A wader skipper!
Ware is he???  
Hims is so fast!!
DARE hims is!!!

Dontcha Aunties tink I habs the cutest bottom???

 It takeded a whiwle but me and Jena finawwy catchded a budderfwy!
Jena is a dood hewlper

A FWOG!  A FWOG!  I weawwy wanted to catchded a FWOG!
He's a big un!  And we catchded a bunch of widdle fwogs too!
 Hahahaha, hims was so swippery!!   Yous shouldda seen Jena hewping to catchded hims!
Hims jumpded outta her hands a wot!

Tank you for joining me's and Jena on our adventure at Anthony Lakes in beautiful Oregon.  Dis is our FABBORITE wake in the hole world!  
(Anyone with children....and dolls....MUST visit Anthony Lakes if at all possible~it's just the best place to explore!)

Wuv always,
Wuke and Mommy and Jena

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Slow burn issue: What is wrong with people??

These sayings and images feel important to me today:

Support and Artist:
They bring beauty into our world.  
They look at things differently.
They allow us to see ourselves differently.
They inspire us to be more creative.
Yet very few of them make good livings.
They enhance our lives and deserve encouragement.
Look for those who move you.
Support them where you can.

Recently a comment was made and directed at a certain artist for selling her very popular full-bodied silicone dolls on eBay and fetching a nice price.  

The commenter thought this method of selling was unfair to her as a buyer and felt that the artist   "did not care" about her customers/collectors as she and others could never afford the prices that the dolls were selling for. 

I am so very annoyed with this persons comments and very annoyed with people in general who share the same opinion that artists should run their businesses like a charity organization.  Why is it wrong for a doll artist to be well paid for the long hours and fine craftsmanship she put into her dolls? 

I'm sorry.  Some of us cannot purchase more expensive things.  That is just the way it is.  Get over it.  Enjoy what you have and also what others are able to have.  

The Bible speaks of such things as coveting.  In fact, it's in the 10 commandments.
There is a reason for this! 

I think the REAL reason for this person's dis-grunt is that SHE was not able to buy the doll at an average price and sell it for the high price that she knows it would gain.  That, my friend, is greed.
Hmmm...I do believe the Bible speaks about that too.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Shy prototype paint finished~BETTER pics this time!

What a difference good lighting makes 
(and of course a finished paint job!)

Isn't she just precious?  
Shy's pre-orders won't be available until the first week of September so I don't have a list of dealers yet except for Petra's Dolls and Doll Fashions

As Kellie Beckett's first vinyl kit, I think she will be a good seller!
Her size is charming...a chubby 12 1/2 inches long.  

I had her body custom made by Chelle's Babies and it's JUST right!

I will begin rooting hair on this little muffit today.   I'll be using super soft and fine Alpaca hair...this might take forever! 

Have a wonderful Monday!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Shy Prototype/Kellie Beckett WIP pics!

Unfortunately, my photo studio is held captive with a sleeping, visiting granddaughter so I had to snap some pics of Shy in the nursery lighting this morning.  Mornings are the worse time to take pictures in there but I'm so anxious to share!

Although I'm not quite done with paint, here is Shy as a work in progress:
She is sculpted by Kellie Beckett and is Kellie's first vinyl kit.  She will be aprox. 12 1/2 inches.

Darker eyes are on the way for her and also some darling pajama's and a swaddler from 
Tiina at Piccolissimo Baby Boutique!

Off to finish this sweet baby girls paint!