
Monday, April 30, 2012

Hahaha! 20??? on my new adoption

You will have to go to yesterday's post to see all the great questions asked regarding my new adoption.
I've answered the questions there.  

I love the game...keep the questions coming! 

Oh my goodness...I just remember I was going to post about Uncle Jackie yesterday!  Oh ugh.  I failed and I am sorry.  Will you forgive me if I told you I woke up with a cold yesterday??  :) 

It's time to get my note pad back out and make notes of what I am planning on posting about. 

First on the agenda for tomorrow is Uncle Jackie...a story that will warm your heart.  

Tomorrow I will just answer the 20?? on that original post so be sure to check those comments regarding the new adoption.

So what is going on in the nursery besides this cold?

Well, I am processing lots of mohair.  The last two Sundays found me down at the gallery banding up mohair as I volunteered so today will start the actual dying process of what I banded up last week and I'll wash up what I banded up yesterday.  

Shamika's rooting (Riley Schenk) has been set aside as I work on Prototype Matthew's rooting who now has the entire back and half of his sides done.  I'll work on him all afternoon and tonight as well as tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night.  He should be rooted by then. 

I've been placing orders and re-stocking supplies and my mind is constantly on the production of the DVD (no status update on that yet) and the upcoming Down East Doll Show.

See you tomorrow!  

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I am in "labor"!

I have made an adoption unlike any I have made before.

My new baby will be home mid-week this week and I will share the little one on Friday!

That will keep you guessing.....


Friday, April 27, 2012

Sharing my collection Friday~Matthew is loved

 Hewwo ebberyone!  
It's me...Maffew, your little towboy.

I got sometin ta show ya....

 Naw, it's not dis new horsie, Bullseye dat Mommy bringded me from Orwando in Januwary...he's a great horsie but dat's not it!
 It is dis wunderful diaper set made by Auntie Susan at Dizon Designs and was sent me by one of Mommy's fweinds.
 Isn't it GWATE???
 Some say I is spoilt.  Do you tink I am spoilt??
 I dunno.  I mean, a towboy has ta hab the bestest of towboy dis onsie mommy bought me a while back and jest put on me...

Lub always,

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tabling Uncle Jackie...DVD is here!!

I forgot that today is the start of my "weekend"/ days off.  I want to move the post on Uncle Jackie to Sunday when I have more time to articulate my words.  

Quickly though,  I want to tell you that the DVD proof is here and I have watched it!
Wow!  It's really exciting to know that I didn't leave things out, that I spoke clearly and showed the techniques well.  I had much anticipation about these things.  That week was so tiring that it is still very much a blur and totally surreal.  As I watch and reminisce on the 84 hours that Dianna and I worked in just 6 days, I am simply stunned at how well the teaching/video is!

There are some editing issues and authoring issues that need taken care of before production can begin.  I have sent an email to the publisher and will be sitting on pins and needles as I await his reply.

Everyone please say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that these can be worked out.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow...Matthew has something to share!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reborning DVD proof....

Is on the way to my house as I write!!!

I can't wait to view it!

That's all I have to say for today  :)

Tomorrow, I will tell you about a special person, Uncle Jackie.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Matthew prototype is painted!

I am delighted to announce that Matthew prototype #2 is painted!

I will be starting on his hair today!

On a rant, they have changed the format of my blog when I post!  ARG!!  I hate change!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Nursery happenings

There is MUCH going on in the nursery!

Where do I start?

DVD progress:
All of the artwork has been submitted to the producer and forwarded to the art department who has made recommendations for final production. Just a few more simple steps and all the artwork will be set in motion. As far as I know, the authoring is complete. I will get a proof copy of the DVD set, which we now know will be on two dual sided discs, and once I approve it, production can begin. We are so much closer than we were!

Baby progress!
Amethyst, a Simple Treasures baby for the NC show is almost finished. I have to give her one more coat of gloss on her eyes and attach her head and she will be "born"!

Shamika, the bi-racial Riley Schenk sculpt has been in hair progress for what seems like a month! I work on her several nights a week for 2-4 hours per night. I just have the top of her head left and I am so excited! I love this sculpt and can't wait for her to be "born".

I have been putting together outfits and FINALLY found a precious dress set for Lachelle, the sweet little AA Berenguer. It's on the way in the mail to me now.

Little Gus and big Mariana are still waiting for hair to be finished and started.

And today I will finish the paint on the Matthew Prototype!

I have lot's of colors and textures of hair available right now with more that will be ready next week.


And Matthew just got a wonderful gift in the mail from one of his "Aunties". I'm off to call this Auntie right now! Yehaw!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

New schedule starting today

Did you miss me on Friday?
I missed you and felt bad for not posting anyone from my personal collection. We had an appointment for the three horses at the vet that morning and if I don't get "blogged" by 9 am, it usually is not going to happen.

I really wanted to take Matthew with us so he could comfort Toby as he got his yearly vaccinations, but I simply did not have time to change him out of his comfy cotton clothes into his jeans and boots.

Usually around the end of March, the first of April, my husbands schedule changes to 4-10 hour days, so I change mine too. This year, the change was much delayed due to some admin issues with hiring on the summer staff, but today, we go back to the 10 hour day work schedule. I am very happy about this! We were both ready to start our 3 days-a-week-off schedule at the first of April so the last few weeks have been tough!

I will be at the Gallery from 10-6 banding up mohair and working on my website. This is my obligation as an art guild member and I enjoy the time "gallery sitting" very much!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prototype Matthew's progress days 3 and 4

The little man is coming along.
I am excited to have a bit more time to work on him today.

Off to work I go!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mariana's new eyes

Yikes yesterday just flew by and I failed to get pictures taken of Matthew's progress. I worked on his creases and folds all afternoon~he has a lot of them and I wanted plenty of depth.

So, to keep you supplied with eye candy, I took these pictures the other day.
Mariana's new eyes came in. I was worried the iris would be too small but after putting them in, I do really like them.
These are the same size eyes as the dark gray ones I had in her but the iris is MUCH smaller. You just never know what you are going to get with German Glass Eyes.

What do you think??

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Prototype Matthew's progress day 2

With mohair processing in full force, I got behind yesterday so only had a little bit of time to work on Matthew~about 1 1/2 hours. Today will be better.

He is coming along and is so adorable!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Prototype Matthew's progress day 1

I am REALLY enjoying working on little Matthew!
He is the perfect newborn sculpt!
He has lot's of wrinkles and is beautifully proportioned.

Not only do the prototypes have belly plates, the kits will too! :)

I've got to finish the process of some kid mohair and then I am anxious to get back into the nursery today.

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Matthew prototype by Jorja Pigott

He's here! Matthew prototype #2!
Here is the blank prototype:

His reborning starts today!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sharing my collection Friday~Please welcome Mona!

It is with GREAT delight that I introduce little Miss Mona Chyle to my collection!
Mona is #3 in silicone and is signed and dated by Bonnie Chyle 2003.
What a great honor to add another Bonnie Chyle sweetheart to my collection.
Mona is the first Bonnie Chyle silicone I have adopted and I simply love her!

I am quite sure that Bonnie has left her love and legacy through these gigantic blue eyes of Mona's. I can feel her love radiate. I may just end up calling this darling Bonnie.

The rest of the Chyle gang was thrilled to accept her in!

I am one lucky Chyle mommy!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The DVD cover art is finished!

I am so happy with it! Click on it to make it full size.

A big thanks to Ivan Hobbs at
for creating this for me.

So where are we on the DVD?
Well, the cover art is done. The art for the discs is almost ready. The cover art for the booklet just needs one change to it before it is done. The booklet contents are sent to the producer.

After the authoring of the video, we can then decide which types of DVD's to use for the set. At this point, we can't really be sure how long the time will run and how it will best fit onto disc choices. After we do that, then I will know how much each one costs and can figure out the retail price for them.

The video is almost "authored" and I've sent payment for the authoring and for some graphic fitting work. I was pretty happy to pay that bill!

Speaking of that~let's go back to yesterdays post in regards to people asking me to lower prices or give them free dolls. (This subject is constantly on my mind lately and I can only get rid of it if I talk it out~thanks for listening!)

The first thing I want to point out is the cost of Jena's little reborn. This has nothing to do with the DVD but it just adds to yesterday. That baby is 15" long. Just little, but the bill to fully complete her including two outfits was $140.72, not figuring anything for time spent making her. For JUST a little doll! LOL Now, if Jena were to sell her, she would have listing fees and final value fees on top of the actual cost of making the doll. When people ask for free dolls, they are asking free for them but it NEVER is free for us. It is real green money out of our pockets.

Back to the DVD and the authoring. The fee for authoring is $60 per hour. REALLY?!?!?!
SIXTY DOLLARS PER HOUR!??!?! For JUST adding some chapters onto a video?!?!?!

Okay, seriously, I am NOT throwing a fit here. I am making a point. I was MORE THAN HAPPY to pay that fee. Do you know why? Because THEY are the experts and their expertise is worth something. I am comparing my statement to statements that reborn artists hear every day:
"Give it to me cheap or free, after all, it is JUST a DOLL!!!" Just as that authoring takes skill and is much more than JUST adding something, reborn dolls are much more than JUST a doll. Hmmmm...I would however LOVE to make $60 per hour for my expertise! :)

I never mind paying the price for a new reborn, or any doll for that matter. If I don't have the money, I don't buy the doll, I don't ask for handouts~that is how it should work. Speaking of which, there is new baby on her way home to me this week! Stop by Friday to see who it is!!

GREAT news too! The Mathew prototype by Jorja Pigott will be here today or tomorrow!
His "birth" will begin Sunday.

I won't be blogging tomorrow due to an extra trip to the city with my son but DO stop by on Friday! I'm pretty excited!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Year end numbers~Taxes done and paid :)

Things have been a bit hectic around here since I did the taxes and I never shared the numbers with you.

2011 total sales were $23,797.17
2011 expenses were $23, 797.17!
No profit but no loss this year! Yay!
Last year I had a loss of $1745...or something like that.

Of course I realize that there WOULD be a profit if I did not travel to show and teach. But then people would miss out on more of my babies and well, Me! :)

So I am quite happy and satisfied. I love my work!

NOW if I could get people to stop sending me requests for cheap and free dolls! ARG!
I am working on an article covering that topic that I will release sometime in the next month on my website, here on the blog and on doll forums. This will be an educational article as it appears that many people do not understand what it costs (let alone the time it takes) to create a reborn doll.
There seems to be a lot of "entitlement" these days. If we are all due entitlement, then I think I will march on down to the diamond store my husband and I recently visited and tell them they must give me that gorgeous oval diamond we saw. I mean, it's out of our budget, we had to pay our taxes so they should have sympathy on me and just give it to me because I want it, right????

Enough said.
For now anyway :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

So how did Gus turn out??

CUTE as a button but not quite done yet!
As typical with most of my classes, my baby does not get finished. I've got the back of his head to finish. As you can see, I'm using very fine kid hair.

Here are both babies together :)
Awe, I took Jena home and I miss both her and Bella already.
It was thrilling though. On the trip home, Bella had her first public outings.
Jena just BEAMED when people would exclaim "Wow, she looks SO real! You made her?!?!?!"

So now what??
Well the Matthew prototype by Jorja Pigott is on the way here. I'm processing mohair~I'm so behind on mohair and have many requests for kid hair! Of course I've got heads waiting to be rooted and more babies to be painted but I'll get to that. Besides working on things that needed sent to the DVD producer, I am working on an article a week it seems for one avenue or another.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bella is born! Jena is IN LOVE!

What an exciting day we had on Friday! It was Bella's expected "due date".

Jena meticulously glossed Bella's lips in anticipation of her assembly.
I am very picky about weighting a reborn for balance. Jena fully understood this concept and did a fine job weighting Bella. On small dolls like Bella, I like to fill the torso with baby fat pellets.

The body is now ready for the head.
To prevent the dolls head from falling back in an unnatural position, I teach to place granulated glass beads in vinyl gloves at the base of the neck and into the chin area. This allows the dolls head to fall naturally into it's chest when assembled.

Jena is really anxious to put Bella together and is getting very excited!!

She is clipping the neck zip-tie making Bella officially born on April 6, 2012 at 12:20 pm.

Her first cuddle with Bella!!

I love these emotional first moments. It just does not get any more precious!

Like all good reborn doll mommies, Jena had to change Bella.

She is SO proud and has every right to be!


What an awesome experience this has been!

I traveled Jena home yesterday so Bella got her first public outings. Up until those moments she was not sure she ever wanted to go through reborn "labor" again but after people excitedly exclaimed "she looks SO REAL" she is quite motivated to create another reborn baby. But she says, "not this year though!" LOL

Oh she just beamed when she showed Bella off and was so clear on her description when people would ask how she made her doll.
I am so proud of her!